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Optical Tweezers Device
Multiplexing Two Traps

An optical tweezer is a system designed to trap and manipulate micro or nanoscopic objects without touching them. They are based on the energy contained in the light and the force that the photons are able to exert on these objects. Spatial Light Modulator (SLM) allows the creation  of several traps (laser impacts) simultaneously, up to 1000 in some systems.

Our TWIN WAVELENGTH module is an alternative to the fixed optical tweezer .

The use of galvanometric mirrors allows the simultaneous application of adhesion force measurements by FRET.

An optical tweezer multiplexing Two balls therefore consists on:

-a laser source

-Focus components, beam separation and deviation

-a spatial light modulator and its piloting device

64 rue Bourdignon, Bat 15A

94100 St-Maur-Des-Fossés


Tel: +33 (0)


SIRET 320 867 682 000 41-Code APE: 331B

TVA Intracom FR 84 320 867 682

© 2021 Errol Laser

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