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Tools for Molecular Dynamics study applied to transcription

2019-Poster for FOM 2019 London

ALBEDO in Fast confocal fluorescence imaging in freely behaving mice: Supplementary Information





"We tested one device composed of a deformable mirror and a multimode fiber (Albedo System, high frequency version, Errol Laser) that allows projecting successive intensity patterns with a resulting speckle contrast of 3% on a 62µs time window (Fig.1C). Transmission of the device is about 50%. We introduced this system on our optical setup and illuminated the DMD with these fast varying speckle patterns. We then measured the 3D intensity distribution of the illumination patterns and found that the inhomogeneities were strongly reduced (Fig.1A, right). "


ALBEDO in Fast confocal fluorescence imaging in freely behaving mice


Abstract of An Industrial Outlook on challenges of Hardware Security in Digital Economy
Springer International Puplishing


3D High and Super-Resolution imaging using single-objective SPIM
Nature Methods     
Received 15 August 2014; accepted 12 April 2015; published online 11 may 2015


Measurements and analysis of directional effects and polarization properties of suspended particulate matter (phytoplankton and inorganic matter)


Développement d'un dispositif de mesure de champ de vagues stationnaire en bassin des carènes par technique de Stéréovision
14èm Congrès Francophone de Techniques Laser (CFTL2014)


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